St. Charles ICSE School – Tirupattur




Both parents and students should keep in mind the following norms of discipline:

1. Parents are expected to meet the class teacher on specific

days at the allotted time of discuss the progress of their child.

2.If a student needs to leave the school premises during school hours, parents should send the request letter. This will be sanctioned by the Principal and should be handed over to the class teacher by the student before leaving the school premises. Verbal request through messengers or students themselves to allow them to go home will not be considered.

3.Change in address or telephone numbers of parents must be intimated to the school; failing which, the school will not be                                     

responsible for the non-receipt of communications.

4. In case of contagious diseases, keep the child at home. Please inform the class teacher of any congenital disorder, physical, psychological or emotional problem of your ward to enable the authorities to take care during emergency.

5.. Any student caught copying in any examination or test or involved in malpractice will be awarded zero marks.                  

6.Do not give excessive money, expensive/fancy stationery, mobile phones, etc., to your child.7. Gold ornaments, jewels and costly articles are not allowed into the school, under any circumstances.

7. CDs, pen drives, Mobile phones, cameras, video games,

8 .chewing gum, fire crackers, periodicals, comics, fancy articles, sharp edged instruments, etc., should not be brought to school. If found guilty, the articles will be confiscated and fine will be imposed.

9.Parents are requested to monitor their children the time spent for TV viewing, use of computer, internet, and mobile phone. Over exposure and unmonitored use could be detrimental to their performance at school as well as their overall development.

10. Parents/ guardians/ visitors are not allowed to enter the class room or speak to teachers during class hours.

11. If a child has an injury or accident in school, first aid is given in the school. If it is serious, information will be given to the parents. In emergency, the child may be immediately hospitalized.

12. Your child should come to school with neat and clean uniform, well polished shoes, clean socks, belt, etc., every day and maintain good hygiene.

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